martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010


                                     First experience
People involved:
·         Flight Agency
·         Passengers
Leadership type:
Liberal leader or free rein leader: Due the leader allowed the airport's workers to act in their own way and taking out the decisions about what happened. He put a penalty and however, the passengers didn't get involved.
Problem and cause:
The client didn't get the attention he deserved. The client was acused about something that doesn't involve him and got a punishment without reason because an inconsistend decision. The workers possibly because of lack of experience, lack of communication and lack of conflicts managements, launched a plan that they thought convenient and to replace additional costs of first flight, the appeal the clients for taking charge about those costs.
The leader must called a reunion for taking a brainstorming of possible solutions for the problem and launching the best one or the best option group. For example, to make the clients to know about the flight failure. And to give a discount or reimbursement because of the waiting if this waiting goes longer than a specified time.                                                                                                                Second experience
People involved:
·         Boat crew commision cement from Nigeria
·         Particular boat crew cement comission
·         General cargament  vessel crew
·         Sailors with Greek cargament
·         Nigerian government
Leadership type:
Liberal leader or free rein leader: the leader (governor) allowed government workers to act by themselves and put a solution to the problem no matter if all of them agreed with the decision.
Problem and cause:
The Nigerian springs cannot handle more than a million and a half tons of cement per year, however, came an urgen request (in a year) of 20 million tons of cement. This caused a huge overcrowding and money and time loss. There was no planning of determined de amount that could dock at the waterfront in Nigeria, they acted inmediately but not brilliantly without a risk planning. The government thought a tax could solve the problem on Nigerian springs, acting without thinking.
The leader trusts in everyone and lets them act. He does it whenever he thinks his team can hold on by themselves to face big problems; but in this case he saw this cannot be used as the same situation on account of the lack communication, cooperation and team work. So a democratic leadership is needed in which all of the team can participate due to get a brainstorming to find out a possible solution to that problem.                                                                                                                                                                                                     Third experience
People involved:
·         The Sovietic delegation leader, Vladimir Seminiov
·         Gerald Smith while American delegation leader
·         Colonel General Ogarkov
Leadership type:
Autocratic leader: The Colonel General Ogarkov orders and waits for obey, he's a possitive person and he excuses saying: “There is no reason for Americans to divulge Sovietic military data to civil people from Sovietic delegation on which, this matter is concern exclusively to Sovietic military officials.

Problem and cause:
The Sovietic delegation doesn't act in team but in an independient way, due the Coronel Ograkov acts on his own without consulting nobody. The cause for this millitary problem is because of the lack of cooperation between civil officials and Russian military.
To analyze all the possible solutions to keep and reach the planned objectives, for making this possible,  the must work in team, using the group's poposals, like a group choice for the best idea and, later to make it work.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Fourth experience
People involed:
·         Foreigners tourists
·         Israeli
·         Transport Ministry
·         Tourism Ministry
Leadership type:
Autocratic leader: In this kind, the Tourism Ministery takes off  the problem passing it to another Ministery.
Problem and cause:
The insufficiency of health conditions and other facilities on Ben-Gurion Airport. The cause is present because of the irresponsability, team work and workers coordination.
Being the Tourism Ministery in charge of this problem, it will solve it by taking the controll of it and acting inmediately. For make this possible, it will have the workers' collaboration and make a team work, this team work sould be coordinated by a leader who is going to take them to reach the problem's solution.

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