viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

Activity 5

Is the comparison of products that are substitutes to our and that they lead the market.  Having as purpose to reach or maintain a similar level to that of major competitors.  Perform a "benchmarking" allows the company achieves to perform changes with order to constantly improve a way that the processes of production and management are improved as well as the company staff reaches to be more competitive. To achieve this, it is necessary maintain quality, identify problems and seek solutions, by perform constant testing in production.   However, it must raise awareness to all workers to make important changes to implement improvements, because people tend to resist change.

It consists of procurement of a service which the company does not have but it is necessary or it is beneficial.  Another company is in charge of providing a service and is placed inside the facilities, generating to our company: experience, specialization and lower costs.
To start an Outsourcing inside the company is important to conduct an analysis over if is necessary certain activity / service or not, and if the same company can bear the costs to implement it and do not hire an Outsourcing. 

It is between two or more companies, partners, shareholders, etc, In order to help them each other.   In This relationship occurs the exchange of ideas and processes that will help both companies to grow.   The partnership allows companies to take greater market power and remain within it.
If They Supported each other can excel and obtain the necessary resources, than when they were independently did not.
For this are made management strategies over projects to realize through identify goals and get results they want as an alliance.
Legal procedures are performed to maintain the discretion of the information for each involved as well as the selection of persons to participate within this.

It is a system "developed by Motorola, which allows analyzing the data from tests realized on objects productions given, which will identify those with disagreements and those who are not conform.   This system allows improve or maintain quality of the products. it Requires collecting, analyzing and determining, through random samples taken in the production, as is found quality.  Companies use this system to identify even failures or inconvenient in the production process.
Six Sigma allow improve the quality parameters and is very applied in industries due to its great help to determine both the problems that occur in the production process and quality with which the company is working.

2 comentarios:

    I consider them part of the area of industrial controls, because they are part of the management and administration of quality control of products in an industry. Quality is being the major factor in the market, because the people demand good quality products.

  2. “Business Administration consists of organizing people and resources with the purpose of make a guideline aiming to the company’s general objectives.”
    The administration implies: planning, organizing, controlling and assigning resources, making this for reaching the company’s general objectives.
    In order to reach a good administration, the administrator, must be a leader so can guide the entire company to make the goals possible and also all the objectives. To make each one of the employees, from the lowest to the highest job place, adopt the company’s mission and vision as his own. To make each one of them to walk to the same point, the same objective, from his job place. This can be easily done by having a good communication and conflicts management
