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Technical English, the opportunity of the lifetime
lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010
jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010
International Organization for Standardization
ISO 9001 y 14001
ISO develops standards and guides to encourage good practice in accreditation and certification. Entre las normas ISO más conocidas están las ISO 9001 Y 14001. La 9001 se enfoca en la gestión de calidad, y la 14001 en gestión ambiental.
ISO 9001
Quality management within a company is very important, means ensuring that products / services are of good quality that meets the expectations and needs of the customer.
ISO 14001
Environmental management is the reduction of contaminated wastes into the environment. The company has as a result of their production operations.
ISO 9001 Y 14001
Either of both rules may be applied to any institution, company or industry, regardless of the type of product / service that this produce.
These norms are typically applied in large organizations where processes are very complicated.
For their compliance the company must commit to fully follow what these are demanding, for this their employees should be clear that part of the team, therefore they are responsible for compliance with standards.
These rules put conditions to the company. ISO 9001 provides requirements on the processes that affect product quality or service. ISO 14001 establishes requirements for the organization, about the harmful effects that their activities cause to the environment.
For a company to be certified, It shall be audited by an external agency and specialized to make sure standards are met.
Certification is something the enterprise wants to have to meet market demands and customer preferences.
ISO standards are a model of continuous improvement that helps increase efficiency and effectiveness, and help comply with government regulations.
viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010
Proyect, company "Guatemala Tanks"
Puntos importantes:
cost analysis:
Puntos importantes:
cost analysis:
jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010
How to write a mission statement:
First of all we must know what a Mission Statement is, a mission statement answers the question: “Why you exist as organization?” also the purpose your company has.
We'll have a great mission statement if we follow some rules, these are:
· Short
· Memorable
· Inspiring
· Market focused: Who are we serving? The people we provide value to. It could be also called population targetered.
· What you want to be remembered for.
A great example of a well-done mission statement could be:
“To organize the world's information and make it universal accessible and useful”
The quoting above represents all the characteristics than a mission statement should have.
How to create a good mission statement:
There are three areas that could help us with this creation, these are:
· People: Staff, Management team, the people involved.
· Information: You could need inputs from the staff and also another mission statements to use them as a basis.
· Process: Once we've got the people and the information, we can go for a room and a little conversation to ask “Why”, after that, we should synthezise them and put the key words in sticky notes. With the sticky notes you can order the words to make them look and sound good.
How to write a values statement:
A values statement represents what you believe in. Here you are the most important characteristics for this theme.
· It could be a list of 5 to 7 values that articulate what the people in your team believe in as a hole true.
· Each one of the values should longer than one word.
· The values can be represented by a set of shared ideas.
· It migth be in the mission statement.
How to use the values statement:
We can use it for different purposes, here we have some of them:
· Trainning: This can be used for trainning
· To Reinforcement: As we undersand, we could use it to get some feedback
· Rewards or Consequences: We can put rewards when using it or consequences when not.
· Alignment: There shall be an alignment between your values statement and your policies.
If we got values statement we must use it.
Putting the ideas together:
· People: The people that should participate in this making, are the staff and every one in the organization.
· Process: This is an individual process so there is a possibility to make a survey for the results.
There is a tricky question that we can use in order to get a good values statement. The question is:
“¿What are the guiding principles that dictate how to treat each other and our customers?”.
When making values statements make sure they are not hollow so they can transmit the ideas we want them to.
How to write a vision statement that inspires
A vision statement answers the question “Where?” in order to make for known where your organization is headed. Where you are going.
The guiding characteristics for a vision statement are:
· Futurecasting: This means that we've got to use verbs in geround (ing termination) or future tense (will be).
· It should be clear an easily visible, understandable.
· It needs to be audacious and descriptive.
· The time has an important role so you sould write the vision statement as how you look your company, your team or even yourself in future, for example 5 years.
There are three different types of vision statements, these are:
· Quantitive by nature: Often related to money.
· Competitive by nature: For competitions.
· Superlative by nature: For comparisions.
Putting the parts together
· People involved: The hole staff, we should make sure that all the people is engaged to this process.
· Process: A process example is that we can put the staff to work in groups no bigger than 5 and let them to think how they see themselves in the future.
· To finalize, we nee a long-term perspective.
Choosing your strategic objectives
Here we can use another words such like:
· Priorities
· Planks
· Platforms
· Goals, etc.
The principal idea is to put 3 to 5 years broad reaching statements. The strategic objectives are broad and the goals are more specific.
Another way to see the strategic objectives is as little vision statements on each one of the departments in the organization.
The areas that shouldn't be missed are:
· People department
· Operations (internal processes) department
· Customers
· Financial department
The strategic objectives (3 – 5 years) can be extracted from department's goals (1 – 3 years).
SWOT Analysis
SWOT is a composed word from the beginning letters of the following words:
· Strengths (in order to capitalize them)
· Weaknesses (in order to shore them up)
· Opportunities (to invest in)
· Threats (to identify them)
SWOT is a composition of the four factors above and the opportunities and threats are external to the organization.
The strengths and weaknesses are internal.
We can say that a weakness can represent an opportunity, the difference is that the weakness is in the area of opportunities.
By saying internal or external, we refers to stuff that we can control (internal) and the things that we cannot control (external).
The internal and the external things can me measured.
The way we can measure the internal factors are by:
· Customer's feedback
· Employee information
We can search (in internal stuff) for abilities like:
· Capabilities
· Resources (money, buildings, etc)
· Processes (those internal processes that we do)
Talking about external factors we look up for secondary data that can lead us to:
· To check our environment (data that impacts our business)
· Industry data
· Competitive data
· Some customer's feedback (also if it refers to primary data)
Once we have the analysis below, we can take a list of ideas that will lead us to goal statements. For example:
· We can take the strengths and relation them to the opportunities.
· We can take the strengths and relation them to the weaknesses in order to make sure that an strength can beat up a weakness.
viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010
Activity 5
Is the comparison of products that are substitutes to our and that they lead the market. Having as purpose to reach or maintain a similar level to that of major competitors. Perform a "benchmarking" allows the company achieves to perform changes with order to constantly improve a way that the processes of production and management are improved as well as the company staff reaches to be more competitive. To achieve this, it is necessary maintain quality, identify problems and seek solutions, by perform constant testing in production. However, it must raise awareness to all workers to make important changes to implement improvements, because people tend to resist change.
It consists of procurement of a service which the company does not have but it is necessary or it is beneficial. Another company is in charge of providing a service and is placed inside the facilities, generating to our company: experience, specialization and lower costs.
To start an Outsourcing inside the company is important to conduct an analysis over if is necessary certain activity / service or not, and if the same company can bear the costs to implement it and do not hire an Outsourcing.
It is between two or more companies, partners, shareholders, etc, In order to help them each other. In This relationship occurs the exchange of ideas and processes that will help both companies to grow. The partnership allows companies to take greater market power and remain within it.
If They Supported each other can excel and obtain the necessary resources, than when they were independently did not.
For this are made management strategies over projects to realize through identify goals and get results they want as an alliance.
Legal procedures are performed to maintain the discretion of the information for each involved as well as the selection of persons to participate within this.
It is a system "developed by Motorola, which allows analyzing the data from tests realized on objects productions given, which will identify those with disagreements and those who are not conform. This system allows improve or maintain quality of the products. it Requires collecting, analyzing and determining, through random samples taken in the production, as is found quality. Companies use this system to identify even failures or inconvenient in the production process.
Six Sigma allow improve the quality parameters and is very applied in industries due to its great help to determine both the problems that occur in the production process and quality with which the company is working.
martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010
First experience

The Sovietic delegation doesn't act in team but in an independient way, due the Coronel Ograkov acts on his own without consulting nobody. The cause for this millitary problem is because of the lack of cooperation between civil officials and Russian military.
People involved:
· Flight Agency
· Passengers
Leadership type:
Liberal leader or free rein leader: Due the leader allowed the airport's workers to act in their own way and taking out the decisions about what happened. He put a penalty and however, the passengers didn't get involved.
Problem and cause:
The client didn't get the attention he deserved. The client was acused about something that doesn't involve him and got a punishment without reason because an inconsistend decision. The workers possibly because of lack of experience, lack of communication and lack of conflicts managements, launched a plan that they thought convenient and to replace additional costs of first flight, the appeal the clients for taking charge about those costs.
The leader must called a reunion for taking a brainstorming of possible solutions for the problem and launching the best one or the best option group. For example, to make the clients to know about the flight failure. And to give a discount or reimbursement because of the waiting if this waiting goes longer than a specified time. Second experience
People involved:
· Boat crew commision cement from Nigeria
· Particular boat crew cement comission
· General cargament vessel crew
· Sailors with Greek cargament
· Nigerian government
Leadership type:
Liberal leader or free rein leader: the leader (governor) allowed government workers to act by themselves and put a solution to the problem no matter if all of them agreed with the decision.
Problem and cause:
The Nigerian springs cannot handle more than a million and a half tons of cement per year, however, came an urgen request (in a year) of 20 million tons of cement. This caused a huge overcrowding and money and time loss. There was no planning of determined de amount that could dock at the waterfront in Nigeria, they acted inmediately but not brilliantly without a risk planning. The government thought a tax could solve the problem on Nigerian springs, acting without thinking.
The leader trusts in everyone and lets them act. He does it whenever he thinks his team can hold on by themselves to face big problems; but in this case he saw this cannot be used as the same situation on account of the lack communication, cooperation and team work. So a democratic leadership is needed in which all of the team can participate due to get a brainstorming to find out a possible solution to that problem. Third experience
People involved:
· The Sovietic delegation leader, Vladimir Seminiov
· Gerald Smith while American delegation leader
· Colonel General Ogarkov
Leadership type:
Autocratic leader: The Colonel General Ogarkov orders and waits for obey, he's a possitive person and he excuses saying: “There is no reason for Americans to divulge Sovietic military data to civil people from Sovietic delegation on which, this matter is concern exclusively to Sovietic military officials.
Problem and cause:
To analyze all the possible solutions to keep and reach the planned objectives, for making this possible, the must work in team, using the group's poposals, like a group choice for the best idea and, later to make it work. Fourth experience
People involed:
· Foreigners tourists
· Israeli
· Transport Ministry
· Tourism Ministry
Leadership type:
Autocratic leader: In this kind, the Tourism Ministery takes off the problem passing it to another Ministery.
Problem and cause:
The insufficiency of health conditions and other facilities on Ben-Gurion Airport. The cause is present because of the irresponsability, team work and workers coordination.
Being the Tourism Ministery in charge of this problem, it will solve it by taking the controll of it and acting inmediately. For make this possible, it will have the workers' collaboration and make a team work, this team work sould be coordinated by a leader who is going to take them to reach the problem's solution.
viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010
To become a great leader I've got a lot of work to do and many goals to reach, starting for being more open to public, to have a positive mind all the time, to keep emotional stability in which problems or projects become difficult, the mos important part, to know how to controll the stress.
However, there are qualities I've got and must maintain with responsability and adaptation, to be a leader becomes with great responsability, a leader have to be the guide and, no matter what, an example for the team.
Being a leader is not the same as being a boss or manager, however a boss or managar would be a leader. Some people think that being a leader is something the people is birth with, but it doesn't mean that someone with big intentions of become one, with effort, could not reach that place.
The leader ensures the benefit of his team and leads the team towards the goal, mission and vision of the organization. As long as overyone feel comfortable with the assigned job. And they feel motivated and satisfied with ther work.
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