viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010


            To become a great leader I've got a lot of work to do and many goals to reach, starting for being more open to public, to have a positive mind all the time, to keep emotional stability in which problems or projects become difficult, the mos important part, to know how to controll the stress.
            However, there are qualities I've got and must maintain with responsability and adaptation, to be a leader becomes with great responsability, a leader have to be the guide and, no matter what, an example for the team.
            Being a leader is not the same as being a boss or manager, however a boss or managar would be a leader. Some people think that being a leader is something the people is birth with, but it doesn't mean that someone with big intentions of become one, with effort, could not reach that place.
            The leader ensures the benefit of his team and leads the team towards the goal, mission and vision of the organization. As long as overyone feel comfortable with the assigned job. And they feel motivated and satisfied with ther work.

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

The public communication

            Communication is the process, by which a person gives information about something, no matter if it is verbal or nonverbal in order to transmit information.

            To have de ability to communicate, there are many ways and medium. Talking about ways we can say: gestures, movements, signals, etc. The medium can be: radio, TV, the internet, email, phone, newspaper, etc.
            Language is the way the humans interact or communicates with others, to make this possible; language requires a dialect to become the way the people will communicate with others.
            The nonverbal communication is transmitted through signals, gestures, corporal expression, looks, etc. so the message can be transmitted.
            The lack of communication is a huge problem usually given in professional areas, this complicates the leader actions and the team work.
            The lack of communication can be caused because of unconformities, disagrees, behaviors, etc. So the people try to avoid communications for “avoiding problems and discussions”. This provokes, with time, the problems comes bigger.
So, the best way to act is:
·         *Accepting decisions make by someone else, even if you’re not agreed.
·        * Taking decisions in the team benefit, not just individual benefit.
·         *Giving importance what others think and say.
·        * Working to achieve what you want.
·         *To separate the personal life from the professional one.
·        * It is also important that if you’re not agree with something, you can make it known for not getting some kind of remorse.
·         *Avoid gossips.
·         *When you are in discussion try to calm yourself down and don’t show any gesture or expression indicating bad education.
·        * Put attention, don’t get distracted.
·       *  Talk about a specific theme and don’t get rid of it.

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Leadership Motivation Test - Take our online test now! - Leadership skills training from


       The T-3 building of the Engineering Faculty doesn’t count with the minimum safety resources, and that’s for sure when walking through the corridors and don’t see any extinguisher at all (and if there is any, there are not enough or they are not in optimal conditions). The Engineering Faculty has neglected this very important area which is worrying on account of Guatemala is an earthquake country and has passed through huge natural disasters. It is possible that this building (built so many years ago) can cause damage into the integrity of each one of the students that could be inside the structure at the same time a natural disaster (for example, an earthquake) occurs or even when hurricanes come from ocean to earth.
         A study of this case has been started in the Engineering Investigation Center, this study has had the participations of many students with a finished pensum and almost everyone has conclude that is necessary an industrial safety equipment to be in the T-3 structure.
The goal is to propose, to the Engineering Faculty Authorities, the implementation of an Engineering Safety Equipment, starting with the essential needs (almost there is nothing at this time) to avoid accidents of many kinds, from light to heavy ones.

             Engineering Faculty consist on a group of different buildings on which only will focus on T-3 buiding, due to high costs and low budget on the faculty.
           The T-3 has 4 floors and each one of those has its own corridor. Inside the facilities, there are offices from areas like: Sports, Medicine, Psicology and Information Centre. Besides, it has in the interior a photocopier area, Korea Plaza and other facilities that are used for Indian labs. Each one of the floors has a health service divided in Women/Men.

Edificio T3, Facultad de Ingenieria
           To implement the Safety Equipment will help in great manner to Engineering Student Poblation, due to dangerous situations has been reported at this time. For example, when raining students often slips on the first corridor due to water infiltration.
It is expected that this will be in benefit of all of us, in a major part for student people.

             There is not a stipulated date to perform or implement this project because of the low level in budgets that this Faculty has. However, this study is intended to be implemented in a determined time.
           There will be a person who will be responsible for leading the feasibility study, this person will determine the amount of money needed to invest. Also there will be another person which will be the responsible for making the study of Industrial Safety, identifying and trading the Safety Equipment to use due the specific case. And last but not less important, there will be personnel that will install the equipment.

jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010


This project aims to promote a conscious change in human beings, about the rational use of water in our planet. In first place, through a media campaign, educate and inform citizens about the urgency of protecting natural resources, mainly water Remedy


Amanco is a leading industrial company in Latin America in the production and marketing of piping systems, fittings and plastic fittings for the conveyance of fluids, especially water, and others such as electricity and gas. We focus on the markets of farm building both residential and commercial, infrastructure and agriculture.

We are present in fourteen countries of Latin America through an extensive network of over 50,000 outlets. Mexichem In 2007, the Mexican company acquired chemical and petrochemical sector Amanco, this vertically integrated leader in the production of chlorine, caustic soda and PVC.

Mexichem is today the largest vinyl resins producer in Latin America and through Amanco is the primary producer of PVC pipes and fittings in this region.

Population targetered:
This project is aimed at all big, medium and small construction companies as it provides quality and efficient solutions to solve various situations that require high quality durable products.

Growing companies form an important part in society in constant development, which is why, to provide quality products and services, offering durable items that will meet their purpose.

Institutional Framework:
Amanco’s infrastructure solutions provide quality systems certified public potable water distribution, sewage collection and protection of telephone and electrical ducts. In this market segment Amanco offers three major innovations: Biaxial, and Novafort Novaloc.